Media Art History 2011 – REWIRE

September 28-October 1 2011

Liverpool, England

The fourth in a series of International Conferences on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.

Through keynote addresses, panels and poster sessions, the conference will address such issues as the British contribution to media art, the history of computing technologies in the UK and internationally, and the history of media art. It takes places concurrently with The Asia Triennial in Manchester and Abandon Normal Devices, the North West’s festival of new cinema and digital culture.

The call for papers is open; deadline Monday, January 31 2011. Potential topics include relations among art, science, technology, and industry; new paradigms for media art and media-art history; local histories and practices of media art; non-Western histories of media art, science, and technology; media-art history in relation to the biological, biomedical and ecological sciences; and relations among the histories of media art, computing, and new technologies.

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