Pre-Mickey Walt Disney
posted May 31, 2011
In Walt Before Mickey: Disney’s Early Years, 1919-1928 (University Press of Mississippi), Timothy S. Susanin relates the great animator and filmmaker’s life before 1928, when he released Steamboat Willie, the film that secured his reputation and was the first Disney Studio cartoon with synchronized sound, and with Mickey Mouse. On MIAN, he answers some questions

Walt Disney Before Mickey Made Him
posted May 31, 2011
In Walt Before Mickey: Disney’s Early Years, 1919-1928 (University Press of Mississippi), Timothy S. Susanin relates the great animator and filmmaker’s life before 1928, when he released Steamboat Willie, the film that secured his reputation and was the first Disney Studio cartoon with synchronized sound, and with Mickey Mouse. Susanin, the general counsel of a
New in New Books
posted May 28, 2011
New in New Books, descriptions about new books about American remakes of British television, the role of architecture in 18th and 19th fiction and how filmmakers have picked up on that motif, how the extra-features DVD has changed the study of film, and new Austrian, Argentinian, and Brazilian film.
The U.S. National Jukebox: How It Rolls
posted May 18, 2011
The Library of Congress recently announced the roll-out of its stunning National Jukebox project, which makes available to the pubic a vast trove of sound recordings, starting from the earliest ones made in the United States. At launch, the Jukebox makes more than 10,000 recordings available for listening, free of charge. The recordings were made

Classic Russian Films On YouTube
posted May 18, 2011
How’s your command of Russian, or at least of the Cyrillic alphabet? If you’re capable, with those, you could instantly be well on your way to watching 50 of the Russian film company Mosfilm’s finest productions, thanks to its ongoing efforts to make its gems freely available on the Mosfilm YouTube channel. By year’s end,

Archiving the “Mother of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972”
posted May 11, 2011
Like many a figure of huge accomplishment, Ellen Stern Harris (1929-2006), the “mother of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972,” never quite got around to getting together all the records of her activities.
New in New Books
posted May 3, 2011
On our New Books page this week, you can read about how a variety of authors went about finding films and other archival material for their projects – Neil McCaw on adapting detective fiction to film; Jonathan Owen on how to find Czech film, avant-garde, new wave, and other; Miryam Sas on the challenges of
Kookaburra Goes to the Movies
posted May 2, 2011
Who’d have thought? In movies of old, the kookaburra provided the generic “jungle sound.” BirdNote, as heard on public-radio station KPLU, tells the tale.