Home Movie Day 2011 – Around the World!
This year’s ninth annual Home Movie Day is Saturday October 15, 2011. The event provides participants with opportunities to see and share home movies with an audience of their community, and to see their neighbors’ films, in turn. Events in cities and towns around the world, organized by moving-image archivists and other enthusiasts, provide opportunities to learn how to care for home movies.
Information about the event and locations is online. The organizers say: If one isn’t happening near you, consider hosting one. To find out how, visit the HMD Get Involved website.
Most events involve viewing of films brought along by attendees, but at a few special events institutions hold screenings of films from national and regional archives. For example, the Cambridge Central Library in England is holding an event in collaboration with a BBC festival, “Reel History of Britain, our past through film,” while in Amsterdam, EYE, the Dutch national archive, will for this year only present historic home movies from its collection alongside outstanding films from previous Home Movie Days.

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