AMIA Conference Call for Proposals
posted May 7, 2012
The AMIA Conference Committee has extended the deadline for submissions for session and workshop proposals for the 2012 AMIA Conference in Seattle, WA. It is looking for a wide variety of topics, cutting-edge discussions of technology, and a balance of theory and practice, with emphases on new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest,
Call for Papers: Archiving the Arts symposium
posted April 24, 2012
The Association of Moving Image Archivists Student Chapter at New York University and Independent Media Arts Preservation invite submissions for a symposium titled Archiving the Arts: Addressing Preservation in the Creative Process, scheduled for October 13 2012 during Archives Week in New York City, organized by Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York. The symposium

Want to Win the Margaret Mead Filmmaker Award?
posted March 26, 2012
The American Museum of Natural History’s Margaret Mead Film Festival, held each fall, honors the anthropologist who pioneered the use of film for fieldwork. The Mead Festival screens documentaries, experimental films, animation, and hybrid works that cast light on the complexity and diversity of peoples and cultures. In 2010, the Margaret Mead Film Festival inaugurated
Upcoming Workshops, Conferences, etc.
posted March 4, 2012
Symposium on Long-Term Archiving Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg – Fernsehzentrum Berlin Berlin March 13 2012 A day-long symposium on the benefits for long-term storage of analog media over digital storage systems. Lectures scheduled are: – The Ilford Micrographic film (Dr. Jean-Noel Gex, Ilford, Marly / Switzerland) – The laser film exposure technologies of the Fraunhofer Institute for
New Year, New Work?
posted December 30, 2011
The Bay Area Video Coalition is looking for an unpaid preservation intern, to begin in February 2012 and work at least three months. BAVC is a leading vendor in the field of archival video and audio preservation and provides training and access to emerging media technologies for public media producers, independent artists, at-risk youths, and
Call for Submissions
posted November 16, 2011
Cine Tectonica: Film On The Faultline Alan Wright of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, has made a call for articles for a book to be titled Cine Tectonica: Film on the Faultline (Intellect Press). Abstracts of 250 words, along with a short biography, are due to him – – by February 6, 2012.
Symposium: Digital Film Restoration within Archives
posted August 31, 2011
September 21-23 2011 Austrian Film Gallery, Krems, Austria In cooperation with Filmarchiv Austria and the Austrian Film Museum, Austrian Film Gallery, Krems, is holding a symposium that offers panels and discussions on various subjects, from restoration ethics to documentation, as well as on practical challenges of new digital technologies. Participating archives & institutions include George
DAS 2011 – AMIA’s Digital Asset Symposium
posted August 28, 2011
The Lifecycle of the Digital Audiovisual Asset Digital Asset Management in the Real World September 23, 2011 Los Angeles, CA Registration is now available for DAS 2011 – Digital Asset Symposium, offered by the Association of Moving Image Archivists, the world’s largest association of moving image archivists. The gathering aims to provide in-depth information on
Wesleyan U Seeks Film Archivist
posted August 28, 2011
The Wesleyan University Cinema Archives/Center for Film Studies is looking for a curator of the Wesleyan Cinema Archives, who will also hold an appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Film Studies (or other rank as appropriate). Review of applications will begin October 17 2011 for an anticipated July 1 2012 starting date. More information is
Call for Papers: Film Theory and Aesthetics
posted August 16, 2011
Call for Papers: Film Theory and Aesthetics 2012 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 33sd Annual Conference February 8-11, 2012, Albuquerque, NM The Film Theory and Aesthetics Area is seeking proposals for review, from now until December 1 2011. Suggestions for possible presentations: Precinema and its influence on film theory Theories of Early and Silent cinema