New Books on Moving Images and Archiving
posted July 1, 2014
New books on moving-image works and related issues of discovery, archiving, preservation, and restoration run like wine. Here are some books that have appeared this year.

Wunderkino 4: Visions of House and Home
posted June 27, 2014
Just how wondrous film can be, in ways and styles that generally escape attention, is the constant theme of Wunderkino. The three-day event makes a winning summer jaunt to Bucksport, Maine.

The War Films of Indiana
posted June 8, 2014
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive has launched a digital, online repository of propaganda films from World War II. “WWII Propaganda Films and IU: Audiovisual Production, Circulation, and Education in the 1940s”, whose opening has been timed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, focuses on the university’s use of mass

Taking Aim at the Frackers
posted May 30, 2014
Take Anna Broinowski's word for it: If you want to make a great protest film, you can supercharge your agitprop with techniques you can learn from... North Korea?

The U.S. Library of Congress, from the Inside
posted May 10, 2014
The National Audio-Visual Conservation Center of the U.S. Library of Congress features its a huge collection of moving-image and sound recordings on a new blog, Now See Hear!

Peter Sellers Skips from a Dumpster
posted May 1, 2014
Two long-lost films from the beginning of Peter Sellers’ career that have not been shown publicly in almost 60 years have just been screened again. But only after surviving by unlikely good fortune.

British Pathé Throws Its Archive Up
posted April 23, 2014
To increase awareness and use of its archive of historic film news and information, British Pathé has placed its entire catalog of 85,000 films and clips on YouTube.

Notes on archiving, collecting, and whatnot
posted April 13, 2014
Among all the things anyone thinks to preserve, catalog, and exhibit, what would be the last? The answer is among these notes on archiving and related issues and developments that are currently in the news.

A Secret Ceremony, Preserved on Film
posted April 1, 2014
A film so rare that its like may never again be made is now stored in the moving-image archives of Australia’s national research and collecting institution of Aboriginal life.

Cinema from the Sun
posted March 17, 2014
The South Wales-based but eminently mobile Sol Cinema lays claim to the title “the world’s smallest solar movie theatre.” Its operators built it in 2009 from an abandoned trailer home that they found derelict in a field, bought for £50, gutted, and installed with the best theatre fittings that having little money afforded.