Her Life as a Night Elf Priest
posted July 17, 2010
When experts on film write books about genres of movies, they first – ideally – will watch as many examples of the genre as possible. In the books pages of Moving Image Archive News, we have a catalog of new and forthcoming books about moving images – film, tv, and much else – accompanied in
University of Hawaii Manoa Seeks Digital Archivist
posted July 16, 2010
The University of Hawaii Manoa Innovation Center’s Academy of Creative Media, in Honolulu, is seeking a full-time, head digital archivist who will supervise the setting up of a location for the Henry Ku’ualoha Giugni Digital Archives (HKG), and take charge of the collection. The archive is dedicated to preserving the state of Hawai‘i’s moving image
Video-Art Workshop in NY
posted July 14, 2010
FAIC and the AIC Electronic Media Group will hold a two-day workshop, “TechFocus I: Caring for Video Art,” September 1-2 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, in conjunction with the exhibition, “Haunted – Contemporary Video, Photography and Performance.” The workshop, the first in a series of four on the preservation and presentation of electronic
Slate on the “heroic” Lost Films site
posted July 9, 2010
Slate, the online news site and magazine, today (July 9, 2010) has an item about Lost Films the “heroic wiki project” based in Germany that is trying to identify and document lost and orphaned films.

Your Loss of Archival Material, in Perspective
posted July 6, 2010
Time magazine asks a question in its June 29, 2010 issue that will likely inspire archivists of all stripes: “Is King Tut’s Penis Missing?” You might like to read the article just to put into perspective your own inability to locate…oh, perhaps one reel from that set of 73 that you received from that estate
Reimagining the Archive: Remapping and Remixing Traditional Models in the Digital Era
posted July 3, 2010
Call for Participation: Reimagining the Archive – Remapping and Remixing Traditional Models in the Digital Era A Three-Day Symposium, November 12-14, 2010, at the James Bridges Theater, School of Theater, Film & Television, University of California, Los Angeles, will explore the changing role of archives and cultural heritage institutions, and the new opportunities presented by
Yale University IMLS Preservation Fellow
posted July 3, 2010
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program has awarded funds to The New York Public Library and Yale University Library for a series of eight nine-month preservation administration fellowships over the next three years. The Yale University Library’s Preservation Department will host three of these fellowships, one per
Audiovisual Archivist at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
posted July 3, 2010
The Library and Archives of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, a educational nonprofit devoted to the cultural significance of rock and roll music that intends to become the most comprehensive repository of written and audiovisual materials relating to the art form, is hiring an audiovisual archivist whose responsibilities will include processing
Sustainability in Preservation Practices from IPI
posted July 3, 2010
The Image Permanence Institute, at Rochester Institute of Technology will hold a series of no-cost regional workshops and webinars in five locations between September 2010 and April 2011, thanks to an NEH Education & Training grant. Two experts in preservation and energy management – James Reilly, Director of IPI, and Peter Herzog of Herzog/Wheeler &
posted July 3, 2010
The Society of American Archivists offers various seminars and webinars which may interest moving image archivists. Northeast Document Conservation Center offers a variety of preservation workshops, including book repair, photo digitization and disaster planning.