Upcoming Workshops, Conferences, etc.

posted March 4, 2012

Symposium on Long-Term Archiving

Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg – Fernsehzentrum Berlin


March 13 2012

A day-long symposium on the benefits for long-term storage of analog media over digital storage systems.

Lectures scheduled are:

– The Ilford Micrographic film (Dr. Jean-Noel Gex, Ilford, Marly / Switzerland)

– The laser film exposure technologies of the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Freiburg (Andreas Hofmann, Fraunhofer IPM, Freiburg)

– The archiumFilmCreator, a software for image processing, color management and integration of metadata for digital microfilm exposure (Klaus Wendel, archium, Aalen)

– Storage of digital data on microfilm (Christoph Voges, Independent Consultant, formerly TU Braunschweig)

– An independant user experience in the use of color microfilm to digital image data (Dr Karl Magnus Drake, National Archives of Sweden, Stockholm)

– The service and technical tools to utilize microfilm and make it accessible (Anneliese Lux, Lux de Media GbR, Offenburg)

Details (in German) are online. Cost: 10€

SEAPAVAA Conference

Vietnam Film Institute

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

April 16-21 2012

Creating, Funding, Protecting a Digital AV Archive

The 16th SEAPAVAA Conference is titled Creating, Funding, Protecting a Digital AV Archive. Details online.

ARSC Annual Conference

Rochester, New York

May 16-19

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections’ annual meeting’s preliminary program, registration form, and further details are online. So are details of a workshop that precedes the conference, on May 16, titled Copyright and Sound
Recordings. Pre-registration (required) is available online.

Screening the Future Conference 2012

Play, Pause and Press Forward

May 21-23 2012

University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Organised by the PrestoCentre Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Southern California Shoah Institute and Digital Repository. Cost: $400 ($325 until April 1), $240 for PrestoCentre members; includes Lost Landscapes screening night.

This annual international conference brings together more than 250 archivists, production-company reps, filmmakers, TV producers, scientists, and others to develop approaches to digital audiovisual storage. Under this year’s theme, Play, Pause and Press Forward, the conference will address the current status of audiovisual archives, their IT challenges, future readiness, and other issues.

In sessions and master classes, the conference will address such issues as that most institutions haven’t thought through the implications of digitizing their holdings, and gathering additional material. “Re-orienting operations around data requires changes not just in technology, but in management and culture,” and the solutions will need to differ from one type of organization to another, the conference announcement says.

Also on the agenda:

– matching users’ expectations with institutional capabilities.

– setting priorities in a changing media environment.

– building systems that can adapt to changing priorities.
– running small archives and specialized collections
– scaling digital-preservation competence
– affording current and future costs, endowment pricing, contracts, and fundraising.

Details and registration are online.

Printed from Moving Image Archive News: https://www.movingimagearchivenews.org

URL to article: https://www.movingimagearchivenews.org/upcoming-workshops-conferences-etc/