National Film Preservation Foundation & NEH Grants

posted June 12, 2011

National Film Preservation Foundation

The National Film Preservation Foundation invites proposals for its 2011 Summer Grants which provide $1,000 to $15,000 in cash and/or in-kind laboratory services for film preservation. The awards target the preservation of films that made in the United States or by Americans abroad that are not preserved by commercial interests. Nonprofit and public archives, including those in the federal, state, and local government, may participate. Films originally created for television or video are not eligible.

Application guidelines are on the NFPF website. Register by e-mailing the NFPF at; register by June 24 2011, apply by July 29 2011.

NEH Humanities Collections Grants

The Division of Preservation and Access of the National Endowment for the Humanities is accepting applications for grants in its Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program. The grants support projects to preserve and create intellectual access to such collections as books, journals, manuscript and archival materials, maps, still and moving images, sound recordings, art, and objects of material culture. Awards also support the creation of reference materials, online resources, and research tools of major importance to the humanities. Maximum awards are $350,000 for up to three years.

Eligible activities include arranging and describing archival and manuscript collections; cataloging collections of moving images; providing conservation treatment for collections; digitizing collections; preserving and improving access to born-digital sources; and developing databases, virtual collections, and digital tools to facilitate use of humanities resources.

The program encourages applications that address the preservation and access needs of humanities collections of sound recordings and moving images. Applicants may request funds to establish intellectual and physical control of such materials as well as to digitize them.

Guidelines, with sample proposal narratives, are online. The deadline for electronic applications through is July 20 2011 for projects beginning May 2012.

Prospective applicants can obtain more information at 202-606-8570 or

The Division is also accepting applications for grants in “Education & Training” (deadling June 30 2011). Details of these grants, and other funding opportunities in Preservation and Access, are online.

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