More Books, Always More Books

posted September 25, 2011

In MIAN’s book pages, this week, you’ll find descriptions of heaps of new publications relating to film, video, television, and moving-image archiving – Zaprudered: The Kennedy Assassination Film in Visual Culture by Øyvind Vagnes (University of Texas Press, September), Chinese Women’s Cinema: Transnational Contexts, edited by Lingzhen Wang (Columbia University Press, August), Masculinity and Film Performance: Male Angst in Contemporary American Cinema by Donna Peberdy (Palgrave Macmillan, August), and many more.

As always, some authors reflect on their work in film archives, such as Tobias Hochscherf, author of The Continental Connection: German-Speaking Emigres and British Cinema, 1927-45 (Manchester University Press, distributed by Palgrave Macmillan, August).

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