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posted October 30, 2012
Proposals are due by 1 November 2013 for a symposium that aims to go beyond the concept of the “orphan film” – films orphaned by their creators or caretakers. The Bastard Film Encounter will focus on films that are bastards – ill-conceived or received; embarrassing or beyond the bounds of acceptability; poor in conception or execution; undesirable to those who should be caring for them; and proof of something that should have never happened.
Organizers say that the Bastard Film Encounter will address what these films are, how they are kept and ignored (and if they really should be), if and why they might matter, and what role they might play in archives and in studies of the moving image. The weekend will feature thematically grouped screening-intensive sessions about bastard films. Proposals (between a paragraph and a page) are invited for five-minute introductions to films. To send proposals – by 1 November 2012 – see information online.
The American Comparative Literature Association is calling for proposals for its annual conference, which takes place at the University of Toronto, Canada, 4-7 April 2013. Several seminars at the meeting relate to film, including Aereality in European Modernism, Aesthetic Realism: Narrating the Social, Aesthetic Reconfigurations: Navigating through Latin American Philosophical Thought and the Arts, Alternate Trajectories in Critical Theory: Histories of Media and Mass Culture in Latin America, Anamorph and Flatness: The Aesthetic Surfaces of World Literature, Philosophy and Cinema, Writing the Anthropocene, Walter Benjamin and Jean-Luc Godard: History, Politics, Citation, Visual Culture and Regimes of Visibility in Latin/o America, Undocumented Migration in Literature, Film, and Popular Culture, and Historical Film: Convention, Innovation, and Consequence.
The deadline for proposals, which can be lodged online, is Thursday, 15 November 2012 (extented from 1 November 2012).
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