Update: American Indian Film Gallery

posted November 4, 2010

The American Indian Film Gallery, a project of MacDonald & Associates (featured earlier in Moving Image Archive News), has to date placed online some 290 vintage films about Native American life from the Arctic to Cape Horn.

The films can be viewed and downloaded free of charge. They present aspects of the life of 102 tribes.

The gallery has another 120 films waiting to be placed online.

The project is looking for additional movies to add to post, and invites contributions from archives and libraries. To take part, contact J. Fred McDonald, macfilms@att.net, MacDonald & Associates, Chicago; 773-267-9899

Printed from Moving Image Archive News: http://www.movingimagearchivenews.org

URL to article: http://www.movingimagearchivenews.org/update-american-indian-film-gallery/