UNC-Chapel Hill Offers Fellowships in Digital Archiving

posted November 3, 2010

The School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is offering fellowships to American-citizen applicants interested in digital archiving and curation and in earning a doctoral degree. The two-year fellowships include a 20 hours of work each week as a research fellow in digital curation; an annual stipend of $19,000; in-state tuition and health coverage; annual enrichment funds of $800; and opportunities to meet leaders in the digital-curation research and practice. Applications: via the School of Information and Library Science’s usual procedure for doctoral applicants: sils.unc.edu/programs/phd/admissions.html. The applications deadline is January 15, 2011, but submission by December 15, 2010 is preferred.

The fellowship is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services’s project, DigCCurr II: Extending an International Digital Curation Curriculum to Doctoral Students and Practitioners which aims to prepare future faculty members in the area of management and preservation of digital materials across their life cycle. It will also fund summer institutes for cultural-heritage-information professionals already working in digital curation.

Applicants must submit a written statement of intended research focus and also a separate essay on how it relates to the goals of DigCCurr II as set out on the project’s web page http://ils.unc.edu/digccurr/aboutII.html

More information: Helen Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor, and President & Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, tibbo@ ils.unc.edu; or Assistant Professor Cal Lee, callee@email.unc.edu.

Printed from Moving Image Archive News: http://www.movingimagearchivenews.org

URL to article: http://www.movingimagearchivenews.org/unc-chapel-hill-offers-fellowships-in-digital-archiving/