Film Studies Spring School in Gorizia, Italy

posted September 7, 2010

The 9th MAGIS-Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School takes place in Gorizia, Italy, April 8–13, 2011, with a them of The Archive: Memory, Cinema, Video, and the Image of the Present. In workshops and plenary sessions, scholars, graduate students, artists, curators, and representatives of art institutions, will discuss such areas of archiving as cinema & contemporary visual arts, post-cinema, porn studies, and film heritage. Among emphases of the gathering is Internet practices relating to archiving sound and moving images.

The deadline for proposals is November 1, 2010.

The event is organized by the University of Udine and the University of Paris 3–Sorbonne Nouvelle, and several partners including the Universities of Amsterdam, Bochum, Prague, Valencia, and Milan-Catholic, Pisa, and CineGraph/Hamburg.


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